Gamer Jargon Wiki

BFI, B.F.I., acronym, Hackerism "Brute Force and Ignorance" 1. technique used by computer programmers, which revolves around using incredible amounts of code to solve any problem; done without finesse or skill. 2. (gamerese) technique of employing firepower, brute strength, or high explosives when a simpler or more skill-oriented solution is available. See also ape dynamics. [RB]

Addendum: As an example, when a party of supers characters from a Champions game comes to the obligatory Adamantium Door to the bad guy's fortress, instead of using electronic security skills, computer operation, or even random button pushing to open the lock, the Brick pushes the skilled characters aside and opens fire on the lock, usually frying the control panel (and any chance of opening it) in the pyrokinetic shower. [RB]
