Gamer Jargon Wiki

player revolt, n. a situation where one or more players, having spotted the direction the adventure is supposed to take, refuse to play along and fight back; generally a response to railroading. [VK]

GM: "The Prophetess of Kell reads your omens and says that each of your number is destined to find one of the Signets of Power and be a Champion of Light in the coming Holy Wars. Once all of you have the Signets the Champions of Darkness will be released, and the fate of the world shall be decided."
Player (OOC): "Champion of Light huh? So that explains all the stupid stuff going on lately. I ask the Prophetess where my Signet is to be found...."
GM (as Prophetess): "Ritualist Timon, your Signet may be found in the ruins of the Tower of Theurgy, guarded by wards only your hand may breach."
Player (IC): "Tower of Theurgy huh? I pull out my map and a compass. I draw a 10-mile radius circle on the map, centered on the Tower of Theurgy."
GM (looking confused): "Okay...."
Player: "I then ritually Geas myself to never set foot within the area represented on the map, lest I instantly die."
GM: "WHAT????"
Player (addressing the Prophetess): "Looks like the war has been called off..."
GM: *sobs quietly*
